Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chili Cook-off 2007

We played in the afternoon from about 3 to 5. Then we did a short gig in the evening starting at 8 p.m. It was a cool evening, but wind had calmed by then. A few dedicated fans stuck it out and kept making requests till we begged -- "no more!"
Photos by an audience member.
Thanks, whoever you are!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wings of the Warners 2007

It was our anniversary of one year as a band and we had a blast playing at the Migratory Bird Festival in Alturas. The temperature was perfect and everyone was happy. A wonderful day.

Hello Mary Lou!

Owen and Laura start out our set at the Veteran's Park in Alturas. It was a beautiful day and an appreciative crowd.

Ring Tail Hawk

This gorgeous Ring Tail Hawk was at the Migratory Bird Festival. He lives at Turtle Bay in Redding, but came up with other birds to help educate us on their needs.

Photos by Mario Longoria

Monday, September 3, 2007

Modoc District Fair

Aug. 19, 2007 ... We played at the fair to a good size audience of diners. Some friends and family were on hand to cheer us on. Thanks for the moral support!


Playing a mean guitar.


He's got the talkin' fur coat blues.


Will, on mandolin, is always popular.


Playing the old standard, Faded Love.

Photos by Jean Bilodeaux.